We’re proud to announce that as of the 9th of March 2019, the second school classroom at Watarrka Primary School has officially been opened! A group of our Foundation Directors, major donors, builders, school staff and the Watarrka community were present for the opening ceremony held at the school.
Opening of the new Classroom:
The opening ceremony consisted of a walk through of the classroom itself, which has been recently completed and is ready for the students to use. The new classroom block contains a large modern kitchen, a big deck area, a sick bay room, a staff room and a computer room.
Paul Jensen, Chairman of the Watarrka Foundaton stated:
"The kitchen is a great addition to the classroom area as this will provide the students with a place to learn how to cook the fresh produce they are growing in the vegetable garden. We hope they take these cooking and healthy eating lessons home with them, and into their lives after school.”
During the opening ceremony, students from the Watarrka Primary School bravely presented to the group on their thoughts of the new classroom. Their speeches were all very positive, describing how the fat bikes, fruit trees, veggie patch and basketball courts have changed their school experience and made learning fun. The students are all excited to begin using the second classroom facilities.

Cultural Experience By Karrke:
During the opening weekend, the group of visitors were treated to a cultural experience run by Peter and Christine from
Karrke. This included learning about language, bush tucker, art and medicines used by the Aboriginal people within the region.
The group were shown how to survive in the heat and arid landscape of central Australia, and how Aboriginal tribes have been adapting to these conditions for thousands of years. This included locating witchetty grubs, and some of the braver members of the group even ate them!
There were demonstrations of Aboriginal tools including boomerangs and how to use them. Also explanations on how to create a dot painting, and why they have become so culturally significant.
The completion of the second school classroom is an exciting time for the Foundation as this project has been in the works for almost 2 years. With this coming to fruition, we intend to continue the momentum with our other initiatives throughout 2019, which include the below:
1. Provide Fat Bikes for the Utjul Areyonga School
2. Maintenance of the Fat Bikes provided to the Watarrka School in 2016.
3. Extend the basketball court paving at the Watarrka School
4. Sydney Clothing Appeal (to co-inside when we send the container with the Fat Bike to Utjul Areyonga School)
5. Maintain the established fruit and vegetable gardens at the Watarrka School
6. Establish fresh vegetable gardens at the Utjul areyonga School
7. Provide a house / living quarters for the aboriginal assistance teacher at the Watarrka School
To complete the above initiatives, the Foundation requires the support of our community. If you’d like to donate to help us bring these important projects to life, head over to our donation page